
Nursing students from rural villages in India show folks in America how they use GumCha.

Nursing students from rural villages in India show folks in America how they use GumCha. Young Women Show the Way: You would think it would be simple. I mean a GumCha is just a piece of cloth, right? But the definition of a thing is not just what is made of, but how it is used. … Continue reading Nursing students from rural villages in India show folks in America how they use GumCha.

Announcing the Publication of Volume 1 of The GumCha Design Portfolio

Announcing the Publication of Volume 1 of The GumCha Design Portfolio A gift from the weavers of Bengal who have been creating the versatile, beautiful, and useful cloth, called a GumCha, since at least the 3rd Century BC. The GumCha Design Portfolio is the result of more than 2,000 years of design evolution in handloomed … Continue reading Announcing the Publication of Volume 1 of The GumCha Design Portfolio

Why has it taken so long for GumCha to make the trip West?

Why has it taken so long for GumCha to make the trip West?   For me, this is an interesting question. After all, people in the Americas and in Europe really like handmade things, particularly if they are well-designed, rugged and useful. And many products are imported into the USA and Europe from India. So, … Continue reading Why has it taken so long for GumCha to make the trip West?